
While all our other offerings are ad-hoc in nature, we believe that a lot of value can come from continuous tracking. While an initial ad-hoc study provides clients with strategic takeaways, we suggest ongoing tracking for long-term success and cost-efficiency.

We can help clients replace or reduce survey length or reduce the frequency of survey execution by using social, digital and other internal data sources. Such endeavor leads to cheaper, faster and better insights.

Continuing the above point, we can superimpose any frameworks or pillars of measurement used by the client to enable end users in marketing and strategy departments to get continuity while being futuristic.

We can also track consumer segments on a continual basis allowing clients to track segment movements in near real-time. Thus allowing for quicker activation of segment led strategy.

Organizations can save in excess of 60% on research expenditure on tracking while being quicker by 15-45 days in strategy execution by analyzing a combination of new and minimized traditional data sources.

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