Consumers & Citizens

Consumer Experience &
Consumption Analysis

We can help you:
  • understand how consumers act in their natural environment, what they like/dislike, thus allowing brands to create a better experience
  • get a comprehensive view of the consumer's usage and attitudes by uncovering their world outside of brand-created eco-system; helping brand discover new opportunities and reinvent themselves
  • uncover the influence of location, society, weather, ethnic nuances on consumption habits
  • map out consumer journeys while quantifying the relative impact of each step on the final purchase

Consumer Segmentation

We can help a brand:
  • superimpose their survey-created customer segmentations on social and digital data; enabling them to size their segments in the digital sphere
  • track segment movements continuously; resulting in massive savings over time and allowing ongoing insights on evolving needs, delights and pains of segments
  • show strength of client brand vis-a-vis competition in different segments
  • uncover growth opportunities by each segment
  • help create segment-specific products and services
  • complement the above uses with micro message targeting strategies; such an exercise can help generate better ROI for segment-led digital marketing endeavours

Preriit Souda has often spoken about superimposition of consumer constructs on social and digital data; from LTA (Language Technology Accelerate) 2015 and 2016 to ARF (Advertising Research Foundation) 2018. Using the interlinkage approach as proposed in his papers, a significant uplift (36% to be precise) in insights from existing data can be achieved while allowing for a quicker and cheaper tracking of consumer segments.

If you want to know more, Connect with Us